Chisel/FIRRTL Hardware Compiler Framework

A hardware design language that facilitates advanced circuit generation and design reuse for both ASIC and FPGA digital logic designs

Maintained by: UC Berkeley

Licensed under: Apache-2.0

Chisel/FIRRTL Hardware Compiler Framework

“Chisel adds hardware construction primitives to the Scala programming language, providing designers with the power of a modern programming language to write complex, parameterizable circuit generators that produce synthesizable Verilog. This generator methodology enables the creation of re-usable components and libraries, such as the FIFO queue and arbiters in the Chisel Standard Library, raising the level of abstraction in design while retaining fine-grained control."

  • Currently, Chisel (Constructing Hardware in a Scala Embedded Language) is in its version 3 (first commit in 2015).


  • Previous Chisel repository (Chisel and Chisel 2 development, deprecated).
  • FIRRTL (Flexible Internal Representation for RTL).