Structure of the repository¶
: a subdir for each board<BOARDNAME>
: board data<CONSTRAINT_FILE(S)>
: a subdir for each device<DEVICENAME>
: device data
Types of constraint files:
Physical Constraints File (
) for Lattice IceCube2.Lattice Preference File (
) for Lattice Diamond.User Constraint Files (
) for Xilinx ISE ≤14.7.Xilinx Design Constraints (
) for Xilinx Vivado.Synopsis Design Constraints (
) for Intel Quartus Prime (formerly Altera Quartus-II).Physical Design Constraints (
) for Microsemi Libero-SoC.
For each board, sets of constraint files are provided according to the following rules:
Split pin constrains from per IP core timing constrains.
Group pin constrains per interface/connector (switches, LEDs, Ethernet, UART, etc.). This allows enabling/disabling interfaces by selecting which files to include.
Use vectors/arrays for unnamed non-bidirectional ports, instead of numbering pins individually.
Prefix each port with the board name.
If an interface is fixed, include matching timing constraints. E.g. a button with
with 100 MHz, or GMII with the 2 ns delay.Postfix low-active signals with